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Health and fitness facts and advice for 40 somethings - an expert Q&A

By Admin | October 02, 2018

It can be a struggle to stay fit and maintain a healthy diet post-40, especially if you have fallen out of (or never were in) the habit of daily exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. During midlife, there's a lot more to juggle: a career, children and perhaps even grandchildren. It doesn't help that temptation is always rearing its head, whether it's treating yourself to an Indian takeaway after a long week, or having the odd post-work drink (or two).

Maximising your health and fitness post-40 can be struggle, especially if you don't know the best form of exercise for your body and how you can modify your diet to make it healthier. But it's no secret that healthy living is known to help ward off depression, heart disease and diabetes, and according to research by the American Academy of Neurology, high cardiovascular fitness during middle age may lower the likelihood of dementia later in life.

To find out more, please read, Health and fitness facts and advice for 40 somethings - an expert Q&A, by The Telegraph.

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