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Axis Neuromonitoring Axis Neuromonitoring

Spinal fluid abnormalities linked to COVID-19 long haulers' brain fog, study finds

By Admin | January 29, 2022

Researchers at the University of California San Francisco and Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City found a link between people with post-recovery brain fog and abnormalities in their spinal fluid that surrounds the brain.

Some patients who develop cognitive symptoms after a mild case of COVID-19 have abnormalities in their cerebrospinal fluid similar to those found in people with other infectious diseases, according to the study, which could provide insights into how COVID-19 affects the brain.

Thirty-two adults participated in the study; 22 had cognitive symptoms and 10 control participants did not. Researchers examined the cerebrospinal fluid of 17 participants who consented to lumbar puncture. All participants recovered from COVID-19 and did not require hospitalization.

Ten of 13 participants with cognitive symptoms had anomalies in their cerebrospinal fluid, but all four of the fluid samples from individuals with no cognitive symptoms post-infection were normal, the study found.

The individuals with cognitive symptoms presented had executive functioning issues, such as difficulty paying attention and trouble starting or completing tasks, according to Joanna Hellmuth, MD, senior author of the study, published Jan. 18 in...(More)

For more info please read, Spinal fluid abnormalities linked to COVID-19 long haulers' brain fog, study finds, by Becker's SpineReview

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